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Do your best. Just don’t over do it.

By Bert Astacio

Always Do Your Best, Just Don't Overdo It!

Do your best. Why? 


Because anything less won’t satisfy you.  


If you don’t do your best or give inconsistent effort life becomes flat and you’ll have to fill yourself up with all sorts of things.  


When you don’t do your best you’re holding back from life and trying to get by or hide.  


There is no hiding from your life.  This is your one and only life and you were made for a reason that even you couldn’t fathom.  


By not doing your best you’re wasting your gift and somewhere deep inside you know this.  


Doing your best and really being present in your life goes hand and hand.  It means you’re truly alive. 


I know I have not done my best at times in my life and know I am not alone.  


 I feel we do this because of poor examples, miscommunication, low expectations, the fear of being noticed and what might be expected out of us, and just fear and confusion.  


It’s such a poor way to live and the cost is constant dissatisfaction, low energy, addiction, shame, among so many other things.  

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I have seen many people live this way.  


One that comes to mind is a young man who lived with his parents through his 20’s and believed his disability was his destiny.  


He resisted changing his diet because it wasn’t comfortable and trying new foods.  


He was on over a dozen medications all of which could have been alleviated if he changed his habits.  


He could have gone back to school and enhanced her education to become independent but she was afraid to try and potentially lose his social security benefits.  


He took the easy way and met a young woman of the same frame of mind. His life just became worse and worse and his parents supported his habits. 


I guess having him around was more important than helping him to be independent.  Were they doing their best as parents?  What happens to him when they pass? They already had poor health when I worked with him.  


Doing your best isn’t some kind of cheerleading philosophy.  It’s what’s required for healthy living and engagement in life.  


Another client of mine had a disability and was facing such despair that he attempted suicide.  We worked together and he showed up late to our sessions very disheveled sometimes 45 min late.  


He stayed the course, engaged in our sessions, sometimes getting there before me,  went back to college, got off medicine, graduated, and tried various jobs until he got his stamina to work over 40 hours.  


Today he has sustained that job and is setting his eyes on his dream of being a writer and other goals such as dating and having a family.  


It took him a long time to get things right in his life.  But he did his best and he continues to do that. It’s a way of life for him now.  I believe his life will only expand from here on forward because he lives doing his best.  


We can’t see people’s best by what they’re doing.  To one person, it may look like she is the best because of the job she has or her relationship or the money she has.  The facts are a lot of the times people hide behind their jobs, money, looks etc and that’s not their best.  


Those are external things and not what I am talking about here.  


Your best can’t be necessarily seen by others.  It’s something you know you’re doing because you haven’t been at this place before.  


For me I’m doing my best when I am living life on my own terms, feel comfortable in my skin, and am being reflective and real.  In short, it’s when I’m growing and evolving. 


Sometimes your best may look subpar to others but if it’s your best you’ll know.  It equates to giving everything you can to the moment.  It isn’t perfection which I will address in another post.  Doing your best is simply being fully present and alive. 


Imagine a cell in your body that didn’t do its best? Or a plant that didn’t want to do its best and grow?  We wouldn’t eat.  Nature does it best because that’s what it was designed to do and we are all part of nature.  

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